Rpg maker mv yanfly odd turn
Rpg maker mv yanfly odd turn

Adds an escape character in the help description box that will display configurable different text depending on if the weapon is currently in one or two-handed mode.

rpg maker mv yanfly odd turn

  • Allows the dev to tag specific weapons to be able to be switched between one and two handed mode by the player during run time, by pressing a specified hotkey on the equip menu on a 'switchable weapon'.
  • There are currently two paid extensions to this plugin available:
  • Weapons can be tagged in a way to prevent them from being wielded along side other specified wtypes, including barehands.
  • If an actor is dual wielding two different weapontypes, and uses a skill that requires a specific weapontype for which he is only wielding one of, the skill will automatically lock to the correct weapon, only showing the required weapon for all hits.
  • Skills can be tagged as or as well, which will cause them to only use the images, animations, and parameters of the item in the hand chosen.
  • Additional configurable attack bonuses/penalties can be set on a weapon for two-handing it or wielding it in the offhand, if the % modifiers aren't to your liking.
  • Configurable penalties/bonuses for dual wielding, wielding an offhand weapon, or two-handing a weapon.
  • Shields can be marked which denotes them as being light enough to use together with a two handed weapon.
  • This tag doesn't only apply to dual wielding actors, either.
  • Weapons can also be which will prevent even using a shield in their offhand.
  • But there are a lot more granular changes that more advanced users can take advantage of as well. The plugin does all of the heavy lifting for you. The above features are 100% plug and play.

    rpg maker mv yanfly odd turn

    Additionally, being a dual wield actor doesn't limit you to using only weapons in your offhand anymore, shields are available to everyone! Dual wield actors will now strike twice with normal attacks, each individual hit will show its own weaponsprite and animation, and will do damage and added effects solely based on the weapon being swung. Not to mention the fact that a dual wield actor can ever only wield weapons in his hands. This can make for some weird synergies, like equipping a weapon with a high hit % to offset the low hit % of a much heavier hitting weapon, or taking advantage of double elemental weaknesses with one powerful hit causing all kinds of balancing problems. The default implementation of dual wielding in RPG Maker MV is pretty lackluster, an actor who is wielding two weapons strikes once, with both animations from his weapons showing simultaneously, and damage of that one hit being calculated with all of the traits of both weapons.

    Rpg maker mv yanfly odd turn